ashley was such an amazing person, i miss him everyday .. my parents threw a party last weekend we had a toast for him and it almost made me cry that he wasnt there he should have been.. he was last year at my sixteenth birthday party out of the many people who turned up ashley was the best .. my parents used to call him token black guy (from south park) he just laughed and absolutely loved it .. he was soo happy and caring everytime i am upset i think of his huge smile and great big hugs and it always makes me feel better because i know he is always with me in my heart .. i miss ashley soo much its unbearable .. ash is the only person i have ever been close to who has past away its the worst thing in the world to think i will never see him again other than in my dreams and thoughts .. i remember how ashley used to cheer me up everytime i was upset he would just know even when i was trying my hardest to hide the fact i was down .. he would always make me smile and laugh again whatever he was going through everyone else was more important than himself .. i hate being at college without seeing him racing around in his wheelchair .. i always think how angry he would be at me if i get too upset over his death i can see him giving me this bug brown eyes staring into my eyes ha the thought always makes me giggle.. i miss you buddy i hope your happy where ever you are!!!! xxxx